Our Success Stories

Mosaic of Millenia

Katrina LaFay, the property manager for Mosaic of Millenia was faced with a challenge when planning to replace the 12 year old roofs on her property.  An engineering consultant firm estimated she had roughly 8 years of life remaining, but their analysis did not provide enough detail on the true condition of each roof.  Katrina knew some roofs were worse than others and some might not make it that long but she didn’t know where to start.


Katrina worked with EnableUAV and we performed an aerial inspection of her property utilizing both high resolution cameras and thermal imagers.  With that data we were able to provide her with a comprehensive report showing the current condition of each roof (see map below).  She now knows 4 roofs need immediate attention, 15 roofs showed early signs of potential water intrusion, and 21 roofs looked okay.

What EnableUAV did was incredible! I have never had more insight into the condition of my roofs. I now have better information for roof replacement budget planning.

Katrina LaFay - Property Manager, Mosaic of Millenia

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